Mobile UX and Speed are Key for SEO Success

Mobile UX and Speed are Key for SEO Success

Many webmasters have come to understand the importance of link building and content marketing as part of their SEO strategy. However, at Nhance Digital, we believe that it is also crucial to think of SEO’s technical side. Since the world of SEO is ever-changing and evolving, the only way to achieving the desired results is by getting the basic technical aspects right. Amongst all the other technical elements of SEO, two of the key aspects are mobile user experience and speed. These two stand out as modern Internet users are always on their mobile devices and they lack patience.

Increase the speed of your website

In the business world, time is money. Also, users do not have the patience to wait around for a website to load. At the most, they give a website 3 seconds. If the website fails to load within that time, users simply move on to some other website offering similar products or services. So, if your website has been showing a high bounce rate, it is probably because your website is too heavy and taking a lot of time to load. As Google considers page load speed as an important ranking factor, it is not something that you can ignore.

Some of the tactics that we use to increase website speed are:

  • Using a fast DNS and fast web hosting services
  • Optimising and making image files as small as possible
  • Minifying or compressing code of web pages
  • Using caching
  • Limiting HTTP requests
  • Using a CDN

Optimise mobile user experience

Today, more than 50% of traffic comes from tablets and other mobile devices. This information must be borne in mind when designing your website. You need to make sure that every page displays correctly across devices of different screen sizes. This way you can ensure a frictional and seamless UX in an age where experience is vital. The last thing that you would want is a potential customer visiting your website, but finding that the pages are not displaying as it should. This will create a negative impression and decrease your chances of converting the visitor into an actual customer. Also, Google is already following a mobile-first policy to give preference to responsive websites.

If your website is not compatible with the aforementioned SEO elements, reach out to Nhance Digital. We are a website marketing firm in Leeds providing affordable, personalised services.