How to Build Social Media Marketing Strategy in 2021?

How to Build Social Media Marketing Strategy in 2021?

Everything has turned digital, so is marketing. In the modern business world, digital mediums play a crucial role in reaching potential audiences at the right time. If you are planning to build your brand’s online presence, hire us as your digital partner!
Social media marketing is so much competitive and complex. As a prestigious social media agency in UK, Nhance Digital is going to share what you need to do in 2021.

Set your goals

There must be some solid goals before you plan your marketing strategies. Perhaps, you want more followers, or want to build a community, or drive more revenue and so on. Either way, your goals will set the upcoming strategy and the campaigns. Some of the basic goals that people follow are:

• Increasing brand awareness, which means people are getting to know you and your brand.
• Generating sales and leads, which means alerting people about new launches, offering discounts, flash sales and more.
• Growing audience, which means welcoming new followers or introducing your brand to a set of new people.
• Boosting community engagement through constant messaging, replying, promoting content, using hashtags and etc.
• Driving traffic by posting social media posts, using URLs and promotional posts.

Research your audience

When it comes to targeting your audience, there is no room for assumption. However, with social media analytical tools out there, things have become relatively easy for marketers. Remember that different platforms attract different categories of people.

If you are looking to place your ads, nothing can be a better platform than YouTube and Facebook. Instagram encourages eye-popping content, full of lively colours, catchy lines and relevant hashtags. Pinterest is an excellent place for social shoppers, whereas LinkedIn is more about creating industry-specific content.

Establish key metrics and KPIs

Social media strategy must be data-driven no matter what services you are offering or what products you are selling. Following are the key metrics that you need to check:

• Reach, which means how many people have seen your post and how far your content has reached the audiences’ feed.
• Clicks, which signifies the number of clicks on your post.
• Engagement, which shows social interactions. It also displays your audiences’ willingness to communicate with you.
• Hashtags, such as which is the most used hashtag for your business, or which hashtags are relevant to your brand.
• Organic and paid likes, which means utilising ads to gain more likes and engagement.

Create captivating content

It is not a surprise that social media strategy clings to content. At this point, it must be clear to you which platform to use for your brand’s identity and the networks to cover. Make sure to generate creative posts and tap on the trends that have been making noises recently.
From short promo videos, long-engaging posts to stories, you can dominate the social media space and trigger human emotions. However, make sure that everything is relevant to your brands and can tap audiences’ interests.

Utilise time to make your social media presence

Timeliness is crucial for marketers. Look for the best time to engage with the customers and respond to their questions and queries immediately. Audiences look for speedy responses and interactions, which proves that you care for them. Keeping the customers hanging will not serve any good purpose; rather, you may lose them in the long run.

Determine what is working and what is not

Every social media channel cannot work for you. If you are selling makeup and cosmetics, LinkedIn will not engage many audiences like Instagram or YouTube. There is no denying that building a social media strategy needs a lot of trial-and-error methods, but eventually, you will understand the picture by monitoring the campaigns and metrics.

At Nhance Digital, we make sure that our campaigns are positioned in such a way that it fetches the maximum result. Within a decade, we grew to be a reputable social media marketing agency in London, with clients from all over North America and Europe.
If you are looking for any help to rise in social media, avail our services. We are experts in promoting brands and business across various platforms!