Simple, Yet High ROI SEO Techniques

Simple, Yet High ROI SEO Techniques

SEO strategies are constantly evolving and the tactics that might have trending as recently as 2018 are not just obsolete now, but they might even end up hurting your website’s search engine rankings. Also, with so many changes happening at the same time, it might seem a bit overwhelming to decide where to put your focus. To help you out, Nhance Digital’s team of SEO specialists have outlined a few simple, but high ROI SEO tactics that you can consider.

Featured snippets

Have you noticed a box popping up whenever you search something on Google? This pop-up box gives you quick answer for your query and is called a featured snippet. Featured snippets show up before the 1st search result, and therefore, it is often referred to as rank 0. In order for your content to be on the featured snippet, your website need not be amongst the top 3 search results. However, in order to be on the featured snippets, you need to write quality content with lots of information and it must be broken up with the use of bullets, paragraphs and points so that it is easy for search engine crawlers to find answers to any specific question from within your content. You can leverage the expertise of Nhance Digital’s content writing team to have your content showcased on the featured snippets.

Optimisation of title tags

Even though this seems obvious, a lot of business owners completely overlook this. They put in a lot of effort in optimising their content, but forget to optimise title tags. Of course, your title tag needs to have keywords, but the keywords should be relevant and the title tag must also be appealing. It should make people want to click and know more. We have keyword research tools and can help you find the most relevant keyword.

Image optimisation

Image optimisation is another aspect that most people tend to ignore. It is important to remember that Google is able to crawl images, and therefore, you need to make sure that your images have the relevant alt tags and description so that the search engine crawlers can understanding what it is about. This will greatly enhance the chance of your images showing up higher in search engine results. Also, proper optimisation leads to reducing the size of the images that helps in boosting the website’s loading speed.

These are only a few of the tactics. You can leverage our top SEO services in Edinburgh to occupy the top ranking position.

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