Off-page SEO techniques to consider using in 2022

Off-page SEO techniques to consider using in 2022

Do you want to overtake competitors and be at the top of the search engines? As one of the premier SEO companies in Edinburgh, we suggest engaging in off-page SEO. NHANCE Digital is an SEO company with more than ten years of experience, and we highly recommend combining on-page and off-page SEO tactics to rule the search engine rankings.

Off-page SEO helps in improving domain authority and website rankings using methods that go beyond making changes to your actual business website. Read along to know of some of the top off-page techniques that our SEO specialists recommend.

Build backlinks

Building backlinks is easier said than done. If you are new to the world of search engine optimisation, backlinks refer to links from other websites that link to your articles, blog posts or webpages. Backlinks are one of the most crucial ranking factors because they are personal recommendations from authoritative websites. Even though your standing becomes better if you have more high-quality links, it is always better to concentrate on getting quality links than getting links from inferior sources.

In addition, backlinks inform search engines that your business website offers useful information. When search engines see that high-authority websites are directing visitors to your website, they will give your rankings a push.

However, building backlinks take time, and you must always ensure the links are of the highest quality.

Guest post

Guest posting is one of the most reliable ways to build backlinks. A guest post is when you write reviews, news or content for other websites. In the content, you can post a link that will direct traffic back to your website.

You need to follow a few guest posting rules, such as writing original content, not duplicating content on different guest posting websites, not posting multiple guest blogs on the same website and so on.

If you want to use guest posting opportunities, reach out to us, and we can help build a strong backlink profile for you.

Social bookmarking

Social bookmarking is also an effective and simple way to build links and drive traffic to your website. It is essentially a reference website offering advice on websites and similar topics. You will find discussion categories on social bookmarking websites that are organised into threads or rooms. You can post content on a helpful and relevant topic in your niche and get a backlink. Furthermore, regularly posting can help you engage with your target audience.

Social media engagement

Social media engagement is one of the most popular off-page SEO tactics. Social media helps increase the level of backlinks your content receives and drive traffic to your website. However, there are so many social networks available today, it is easy to get lost. We recommend that you concentrate on one or two social networks and expand to other social networks when you have established a name for yourself. To keep your audience engaged, ensure to post high-quality, relevant content regularly. You can start with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram as they are the highest traffic-generating networking websites.

Question and answer websites

If you have a website or product to promote, leveraging question and answer websites can help get the word out. By using such websites, you can promote your products or services in a way that solves a problem or offers insights to those who are turning to the Internet for help. You need to go through the website and find relevant questions that relate to your brand or product. All you need to do is answer those questions and offer a link to your website article or blog as an extra resource. Ensure the answers are written properly and genuinely answers a question instead of simply promoting your website.

So, these are a few of the off-page techniques that can boost your overall SEO efforts. These techniques cannot be done as a one-time thing, and you need to add them as a part of your SEO strategy so that they work toward increasing traffic, rankings and website engagement. If you need any help or are not sure where to start, reach out to NHANCE Digital. Discuss your specific requirements with our team and get bespoke solutions.