How to use trending topics for link building?

How to use trending topics for link building?

Among all the tried and tested methods, creating engaging, SEO-friendly content is a proven way to rank higher on the SERPs and attract high-quality backlinks. When done correctly, content marketing can work wonders in establishing your brand as a credible name in your industry and drive better quality and quantity of traffic to your website.

However, every once in a while, you may find it difficult to come up with topics and feel you are running out of ideas. A full-time link building company like Nhance Digital can help you create curated content in your niche and fetch high-quality links for them. One of the ways we achieve this is by tuning into the trending events in your industry and developing clickable and linkable content.

In the following post, we take a look at steps to using trending topics to attract high-quality links to your website.

How to use trending topics for link building?

1.  Stay ahead of the trend

In order to create content on a trending topic, you need to keep up with the latest happenings in your industry and other fields that might affect your offerings. A professional link building company uses several tools like Google trends, Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter to stay ahead of the trends and find topic ideas for creating content.

2. Look for link building opportunities

Once you find the trending topics, you need to look out for opportunities to create engaging content on the same. Instead of following a cookie-cutter approach and writing a spinoff on an existing article, focus on how the event affects your brand, target audience, and the market as a whole. A unique perspective has a better chance of earning backlinks from similar minded websites.

3. Develop engaging, shareable, linkable content

Next, study your target audience to get a sense of how to format your content so that it is more engaging and shareable. One of the most common formats followed by top organisations is writing blog posts, but do not feel restricted; think outside the box and opt for unique formats that will convey the information as fast as possible.

4. Optimise the content

When creating content for building backlinks, you will want to optimise the content for your ideal target audience. However, with trending topics, you have a bit more leeway, i.e., you can format your content in a way that it is picked up by more sources and shared multiple times. In addition, make sure that the on-page and off-page SEO techniques are used throughout the post or contact a link building agency for more insights of the best SEO practices.

5. Repurpose content for multiple platforms

You also need to be strategic when sharing your content to ensure that you get the desired traffic and links. You can repurpose the content into different forms to use it as part of social media marketing campaigns, email marketing, etc.

Using trending topics is a great way to get your brand in front of a wider audience and earn better quality traffic and high-value backlinks. If you cannot create a content marketing strategy on your own, getting help from a renowned link building agency like Nhance Digital can help you stay on top of the trends and make the most out of each opportunity.