Top social media marketing tactics that bring results

Top social media marketing tactics that bring results

Most people start their morning by opening up Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and scrolling through their feed. The phenomenon of daily social media scrolling has increased manifold since the outbreak of the coronavirus. As a result, enterprises have taken notice of the power that social media wields and taking steps to harness it for reaching out to their target audience.

Here at NHANCE Digital, we are a social media agency in the UK interested in sparking your inspiration. Our team has gathered a list of some of the most actionable social media marketing techniques that bring results.

Craft a social media marketing plan

A social media marketing plan helps businesses organise what they are posting and where. The four important steps to crafting a plan are as follows:

  • Know your audience and find out where they are hanging out online. Note their behavior, the kind of content they share and the people they are interacting with.
  • Define your business objectives and think of the best ways to use social media to fulfill your goals. For instance, if you wish to generate 50% more leads, find the social media channels that support your vision.
  • Determine where you will focus your social media efforts and work with your team to align the best practices for each chosen platform.
  • Think of the tools you will add to your social media marketing arsenal and how you will track activities, monitor them and measure the results.

Create a social media calendar

Keeping track of the different social media platforms can get confusing and overwhelming. To prevent making mistakes when posting different content on different platforms, use a social media calendar and get organised. You can include deadlines for content creation on the calendar, along with publication dates.

Find out the best time to post and establish a posting frequency

It is crucial to find the best time to post on social media so that your posts get maximum traction. You can decide to post at a different time of the day to reap incredible rewards.

When deciding on the time to post, think if your audience is predominantly 9 to 5 workers who cannot use social media during office hours. So, posting after 10 am or 11 am during a weekday will not get you the traction you desire. Since the right time to post is different for each social media platform, you can count on our social media team to help you with the research.

Besides the right posting time, it is important to maintain a posting frequency. If your posts keep popping up out of the blue, you’ll struggle to form a relationship with your target audience. Being consistent with your posts will help nurture a connection with your audience, and they will anticipate posts from you.

Schedule posts in advance

If you know what you are going to post, it is best to schedule posts in advance. It will save you time and effort from having to find small chunks of time here and there. To post in advance, our team invests considerable time in brainstorming post and content ideas, creating different copy variations and mapping out how each post will go out.

Content personalized to each network

What works on Twitter might not work on Facebook and vice versa. Whether a business update or a blog, you need to tweak it for each social media platform. For instance, Facebook and Instagram foster casual conversations whilst LinkedIn are more professional. The tone and language of your posts must adhere to the requirements of the social media platform.

Focus on the length of the caption

Bite-sized bits of content is typically associated with social media. However, that’s not the case with all the platforms. You need to tailor your captions according to your chosen social media network. You can mix and match snappy and short commentary with long-form posts. The more you experiment, the more you understand what your followers respond to.


When it comes to engaging your audience, you cannot ignore social media. To reap improved brand awareness, you need to leverage the social media channels properly. For any assistance, NHANCE Digital’s team is here to walk you through the process. We are a social media agency in the UK with years of experience, and our services are priced competitively.